
New York Personal Injury Attorney

Trucking Accidents

Trucking accidents kill or injure someone in this country every 17 minutes. Even more startling is the fact that these accidents are continuing to increase. Still, representatives for the trucking industry are lobbying to soften trucking safety regulations to increase profit.

Truck Accidents Happen For a Number of Different Reasons

With more and more vehicles traveling on the roads every year, trucking accidents are a reality for everyone. Between 1992 and 2002 the number of fatalities from truck accidents went up 10 percent. A frightening majority of these accidents occur as a result of driver fatigue. Other common causes are driving while under the influence, driver error and mechanical failure. Suffering an injury during any of these accidents requires the help of a New York trucking accident attorney who can hold the responsible parties liable for your damages.

Trucking companies are quick to downplay and rationalize accidents their vehicles have caused. Many of them will send an agent to the accident site to try to reduce their business’ liability. Insurance representatives may try to consult the victim of an accident knowing that in their traumatized state they may agree to a limited reimbursement.

Experienced Truck Accident Representation From our New York Personal Injury and Accident Law Firm

If you or someone you know has been seriously injured or killed in a trucking accident, you need an experienced New York trucking accident lawyer to make sure you get the legal help you are entitled to. Contact the Law Offices of our New York Personal Injury and Accident Law Firm to speak with a New York accident attorney and set up a free consultation.